Add2it Marketing Software Scripts & Services
Sunday, February 23 2025  

How to advertise any product or service on auto-pilot!
Author: Frank Bauer

During the last couple of weeks, I have seen the following
question more and more often in my email box...

             "If you were marketing this offer,
               what ways would you market it?"

The answer to that is easy...  I would use a system to generate
leads and work them automatically.  Sounds complicated?
Not really... let me explain how you can advertise any product
or service on auto-pilot!

To do that, the first thing you need is a mailing list
management software with a build in follow-up autoresponder.  I
personally use Add2it MailResponder Pro which is installed on my
own server.

Instead of having it installed on your own server, you could
also get a co-hosted version or rent this service from a service
provider for a monthly fee.  But since I am sure that you want
to earn money with the product or service for a long time, I
would recommend that you get your own system installed on a web
server and don't pay a monthly fee.  You can save a lot of money
this way.

If you have no idea about "scripts" and how to get them
installed on your own web server, don't worry... for a very low
fee you can get this part of the work done for you.

Let's move on... In the follow-up autoresponder you would setup
a series of follow-up messages that educate the prospects
(leads) about a subject related to the product or service that
you are promoting.  While doing that you can also mention the
product or service that you are selling as an example on how to
get e.g. a certain task done.

Then the autoresponder system can be fed with leads that are
generated through a splash page on your site.  What's a splash
page you ask?  It's a web page that collects the name and email
address of a prospect before he or she will be send to the web
site that contains the actual product or service that you

For best results, that splash page (HTML web page) should
contain your personal review of the product or service.  Then
it asks the visitor for their name and email address in return
for either the email follow-up series that was mentioned before
(e-course) and / or a PDF report / e-book.  Important is that
either one is of true value to the visitor and that it is
related to the products or services sold.

Next, to get visitors to visit your splash page, there are
several ways... one would be to use several of the recommended
traffic tools at
or another way would be to generate hundreds of keyword
optimized content pages that drive traffic to your splash page
through search engine traffic.

I personally use that system myself to generate tons of traffic
and cash.  One neat feature of the pages that are generated with
that software is that they generate advertising revenue through
Google Adsense while generating traffic for your splash page.

The true art of this system is to find the right keywords that
potential customers would enter in a search engine to find your
product or service.  Explaining in detail how to pick the right
keywords would be too much for this article, but the above
mentioned course teaches you in detail how to do that.

A third way to generate traffic for your splash page and to
create a mailing list of your own at the same time is the

Convert leads that you buy from a high quality lead source like via a sequence of educational
email (e.g. how to build a business online) from strangers to
friends... then introduce them to your product or service by
sending them to your splash page.

Here is how I do this...

I buy every month 1,000 high quality double opt-in MLM leads at and let them run through an 18
step email message series.

The first 12 messages of this series are "warm-up" messages.
Those messages are not trying to sell anything, but provides
advice, tips and free tools to learn how to earn a living

The following 6 messages will educate the reader how the product
or service that I am promoting can help them and it sends them
to the splash page.

Another important question that is related and I see often is:

    "Is it best to just focus on one product or several?"

The answer is also easy and obvious... Always focus on one
product or service at the time!

1. Find a product or service that you personally like to use.

2. Work on promoting this one product or service until you earn
   a regular income with it.  You can do that e.g. by setting up
   the system mentioned above.  This regular income can be $50,
   $100, $200 or more every month, you decide how much.

   Especially if it's not a monthly fee product or service,
   create a splash page that generates sales on auto-pilot every

3. Only if you are satisfied with the income you generate with
   your first product or service, look for a second
   complementary product or service.

I personally also made the mistake before to promote several
products on one page.  It's way better and more effective to
generate a separate splash page site like the above for each

What you can do is to create an email training course for your
downline in each program using e.g. Add2it MailResponder Pro and
then promote your other products or services as back end offers
in those courses.

I sincerely hope that my quick tips will help you to become more
successful in what you are doing.  :)


Frank Bauer is the founder of - Marketing
Software Scripts & Services for your Web Business at and since 1996 the publisher of the
More4you Blogletter at:
To see how he can help you, visit:

Reprint rights to this article are granted, as long as
it is not modified and the resources plus this
signature remain unchanged.

'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe... it can achieve.'
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Frank Bauer
Frank Bauer

Owner of

( o o )
| Get the mailing list management script that every publisher |
| and webmaster needs to be successful and don't just take my |
|   word for it... read what many other say about it and      |
|   get your own copy of Add2it MailResponder Pro today at:   |
|               |


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