Add2it Marketing Software Scripts & Services
Tuesday, March 11 2025  

Your Easy Steps To Building Your Own Opt-in Newsletter
Author: Peter Lenkefi

Let's jump into it, shall we?

What is the advantage of having a newsletter and just how hard is it to launch one?

Having a newsletter establishes your presence on the net. There is nothing more valuable to your business than having an established ezine that goes out each and every week like clockwork. People sign up for them, and if you do a great job, they even wait expectantly for your next one.

Many people think that there is no way that they can do a newsletter each week. For some it is commitment, and for others it is the feeling that they can't do it because they can't write. And for others it is both the above reasons.

There are many places on the net, where you can get articles for your ezine. The authors allow you to use their articles provided you keep their resource box at the end of the article, saying who they are and where their website is.

It is a very fair exchange. You get great content for your readers and you don't have to do a lot of work to get that content.

To get some brilliant ideas about launching your very own ezine click here and download Rick Benetaue's free ebook:

(Just click the link and save the ebook to your harddrive)

And, last but not least, you can make money with your ezine after it grows some. How?

Well, watch out for the next issues... :-)

Next time, you will learn about planning your newsletter's appearance.

All the best,

Peter Lenkefi
Customer Relations


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