Add2it Marketing Software Scripts & Services
Monday, March 10 2025  

Installation, Customization, Programming &
Troubleshooting Service

Need help and support with scripts in an online project?

Are you working on an online project? Do you need installation, customization, programming or troubleshooting support with Perl or PHP scripts? Get help now!

With the following form you can submit a detailed project description of what you need to get done.

You will receive a detailed estimate about how much time will be required to finish the project. You will know the range of hours needed e.g. 2 1/4 to 2 3/4 hours.

Your guarantee: Even if more than the estimated amount of hours will be needed, that will be the maximum you will be charged + just in case you find a bug later, all bug fixes are of course included for up to 6 months after the project is finished.

For any project longer then 1 hour a down payment of 50% is required. The remaining amount needs to be paid when the project is finished. If you should decide to terminate the project for any reason before it is finished, the until that point overpaid amount will be refunded.

On the average 2 to 4 hours can be done on each work day for a total of 10 to 20 hours per week (depends on the work load at that time).

The hourly rate is US $247 (+ 10% GST if you are located in Australia) and can be paid by PayPal. The time will be charged in 15 minutes and 1 hour units e.g. 1 1/2 hours = 1x 1 hour unit + 2x 15 minutes unit.

BTW: Installation or troubleshooting of Add2it scripts is available at flat rates starting at US $37 per script. Click here to order the Add2it script installation service.

Please use the form below to request an estimate:

Full name:
Email address:
Attach first file: (Optional)
Attach second file: (Optional)
Comments: (Optional)
Enter the characters you see in the image:

Privacy and Security Guaranteed

We take the privacy and security of your information quite seriously.  We are a merchant many years in flawless standing with PayPal.  We provide top-notch live 24 hour customer care to protect that status, and more importantly, to protect the trust you, our customer, have placed in us.


Note: Please request an estimate before submitting a down payment. I reserve the right to reject projects if my current work load does not allow me to finish new projects in a timely manner.

Click Here To Make A Down Payment Or Pay For Services Provided!


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 • Marketing Pty Ltd • Frank Bauer • P.O. Box 290 • Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768 • Australia •