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Monday, March 10 2025  
How to get the best web design for your budget

First you need to determine what your budget is that you have for your web design.

If you are on a low budget, you have programming and design knowledge and a great web design software like Macromedia Dreamweaver (I use it all the time), you can create and design your own web site.

But if you do have a budget for web design and / or if your own time is better utilized doing money making tasks than learning the programming and design skills necessary to develope your own web design, than you are surely better of hiring somebody else to do this for you.

What Kind of Site Does Your Business Need?

What business are you in? 

What do you sell?  A product or a service? Do you sell locally, nationally, internationally? Are you a brick and mortar business, or a home based business, or a non-profit group? 

The kind of site you need is one that best matches your type of business and your business goals.

If you are a product based company that can ship anywhere, an e-commerce website can help you increase your sales exponentially!   E-commerce sites allows you to display your products online whether you have 5 products or 5,000. Customers can search your site by product, by category, by item and order direct from your site. You get the orders in your InBox of your email, the process and ship!

If you offer a service type of business, a website is a powerful way to market your services 24 hours a day and build your customer base. Your website can list your services, describe the benefits of doing business with you identify your unique selling position, even promote a special offer motivating prospective customers to contact you.   The site should be structured to inform people about your business, and encourage contact so you can generate business leads.

If your business is a home based networking type of business,  a website is an excellent way to generate a steady supply of leads for your product sales or business opportunity. All information related to your business opportunity can be located at your site for easy reference by interested parties.

Non-profit groups are at an advantage by having a website so they can promote their cause, seek support, interest volunteers, even accept donations securely direct from the website.  Website promotions have turned modest fund-raising drives into stupendous results for many non-profit groups.

Recommended Web Designers

We recommend to outsource your web design work using services like or

Elance freelancers research 2015


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