================================================================ Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter . . . The online resource for network marketers ******************************** Issue 14, August 01, 1997 ******************************** Published by Frank Bauer http://million-mall.com/ ================================================================ Sponsor of this newsletter issue: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = LottoTeam Online - Play, win & earn with the German State Lottery. SuperPlayer 12 gives you high chances of winning at a very low price + Earn commissions! Visit: http://ikd.com/lotto/aa2/FrankBaGer ================================================================ CONTENTS 1) Good Morning! 2) "The Platinum Rule" by Robert Gardner 3) "The Magic Question" by Gary Lockwood 4) Sponsor of the Month 5) Feedback 6) Classified Ads Section ================================================================ 1) GOOD MORNING! I would like to welcome you to the 14th issue of "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter"! Today is Friday, the 01st of August, 1997. The current number of subscribers is: 691 I would like to specially thank Edward Walde, Editor of the Opportunity Digest. He alone sponsored last month 5 newsletter subscribers. I enjoy writing this newsletter very much and it makes me proud and happy to see the subscriber base grow with every day, week and month. If you would like to be the sponsor of next months issue, send an email to my autoresponder at News-SG@million-mall.com for the "Sponsorship Guidelines". If you'd like to write an article of general interest, MLM, Network Marketing or self improvement, send an email to my autoresponder at News-AG@million-mall.com for the "Author's Guidelines". With "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter" I want to achieve three goals: => My first goal is to *provide* present and future entrepreneurs worldwide with basic and advanced *information* which will enable them to start and run their business *extremely successfully*. => My second goal is to help them to *apply* this information, and to *bring together* people who are *offering* information, help and opportunities with those who are *seeking* them. => My third goal is to have at least *one million subscribers* until the end of 1999 and I am sure that with your help I will accomplish this goal. ******************************** POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ******************************** To subscribe, send email to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Subscribe News). To cancel your subscription, send an email to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Unsubscribe News). I welcome all comments, open questions, tips, news, topic suggestions and other material relating to network marketing. Submit material for publication to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Publication). If you would like to crosslink your web-page to "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Web-Mall" @ http://million-mall.com/ to increase our Web-Traffic please read the instructions on my web page at: http://million-mall.com/cross.htm OK, let's get started immediately... have fun, relax and enjoy! Frank Bauer Publisher & Editor of "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter" News@million-mall.com ================================================================ 2) "The Platinum Rule" by Robert Gardner Do you have problems with people dropping out of your program before they have devoted enough time and effort to their business to realize any real success? The question is what methods have or can be utilized to develop a fresh approach to keep people motivated to go the extra mile? There is a one word answer that will solve this problem - SUCCESS! Pretty simple, huh? Success is very easy to say and very hard to achieve, right? The catch is to figure out how to give your people success, or maybe even more basic, determine what is defined as success to them. It is growing a bigger business? Is it seeing other people get results on their products? Or could it possible be more money in their bank account? Have you stopped to analyze what they want? Or more basic than that, have you taken the time to ask your downline what they want from their business? If you don't have a set of written goals from your distributors, how do either one of you know where you are going with their business? I believe everyone has at least one "hot button". If I am to be considered a leader, it is my responsibility to determine what that button is, and push it!! I, like so many other semi- successful netWORK marketers, have a lot of baggage I am carrying from 25 years in corporate America. It is time for us to realize, no one needs another manager in their NWM business. They are trying to get away from an over abundance of them on their JOBs. If I am going to be mega successful in netWORK marketing, it is imperative I adapt to others, rather than expecting them to adapt to me. If the golden rule is, "Do unto others, as I would have them do unto ME," the Platinum rule is, "Do unto others as THEY would have me do unto THEM." Spend some time with your new people and find out exactly what they want from their business and then help them execute a plan that will take them there. CAUTION! Many new netWORK marketers don't realize why work is capitalized in netWORK marketing and will soon discover they don't have the work ethic to achieve their initial goals. Realizing this is going to be very frustrating to you as a sponsor, you basically have 2 choices: 1. You can push them harder to keep working and achieve their goals, which usually runs them out of the business. 2. You can help them revise their goals downward to something that is achievable. Who knows, maybe after they have a couple of small successes they will see the picture as you do and catch on fire with netWORK marketing desire!! -- Robert Gardner - Global Lifestyles ragrlv@aol.com 817-448-9668 ================================================================ 3) "The Magic Question" by Gary Lockwood In today's fast-paced, everything's possible, instant global access world we live in, most people have more freedom and opportunity than in any period in history. We can virtually do almost anything, go anywhere or be whatever we want. The paradox is that many people don't know what they want for their life. Most have only a vague or incoherent image of their future. You can help. By asking one magic question, you can help other people (and yourself) to clarify what's important for their future. The question is called a 'future review' question. Here's how it works: Ask the people around you, "If you and I were meeting here three years from today, and you were looking back over the three year period, what must have happened during that time to make you happy with your progress?" It's as easy as that. And what do you do next? Just sit back and listen very attentively. You have just asked that other person to describe their preferred future. Some people will respond immediately with the enthusiasm of someone who is painting a portrait of their life as they desire it to be. Many others will have difficulty answering this question. Some may not want to tell you. In any case, their response will tell you volumes about them. Let's look at the possibilities. With those people who readily answer your question, you will likely have an interesting conversation about what is most important to them and what would make them satisfied. In those cases where you can value-add to their preferred future, or where you can help them achieve their desired results, you have the basis for a long and satisfying business relationship. In cases where you cannot help them, perhaps you can recommend a resource who can. The famous speaker, Zig Ziglar, says "You can get anything you want in this life if you help enough other people get what they want out of life." The future review question can open the door for doing business together, pursuing joint ventures or just for a terrific conversation. With people who have difficulty answering your future review question, help them by asking a series of smaller questions. Help them articulate the things that are important to them. Ask what they would like to do, where they would like to go, what they would like to have. Ask how they would prefer spending their time, what kind of people they want to be with, and so on. This can be a very creative and stimulating discussion. It's not unusual for someone to have a fuzzy or incomplete image of their short term future. This is not, after all, how most of us were taught to think. Yet, one of the greatest services you can perform for these people is to coach them to think through and talk about their desired outcomes. And, here again, if you can help make their future come true for them, you have just established the foundation for a great business relationship. What about the people who refuse to answer your future review question? Their unwillingness to answer likely means one of two things. First, their commitment may be to the past, not the future. They may not have thought about their future as something where they have any influence. Secondly, their unwillingness to share their desired future with you may indicate a lack of trust. In either case, you have no basis for a business relationship. Some people don't have the courage or desire to dream, or they don't trust you enough to share their thoughts with you. Don't waste your time. Move on to someone else. When should you ask the future review question? Think of it this way. When do you want to know if you have a basis for a mutually satisfying business relationship? Ask early and ask often. We have been discussing this future review question in terms of business situations. How useful would it be to ask this same question of friends and family? What might you learn? For starters, you'll learn what would make them happy. You then have the most wonderful opportunity to help them pursue the desired future that will bring happiness to them. Instead of second-guessing what it would take for your friend or family member to be happy and satisfied, ask. You'll not only have the fun of helping make their dreams come true, but just asking the magic question of friends and family creates the most fascinating conversations. The future review question is not really a magic question. It just works like magic. And, by the way, it works not just for the people around you. It works for you, too. Let me ask you a question. "If you and I were meeting here three years from today, and you were looking back over the three year period, what must have happened during that time to make you happy with your progress?" Your turn. -- Gary Lockwood is a Business Coach, Speaker and Publisher of the BizSuccess Coaching Program. He can be reached toll-free at 1-800-272-1575 or email MyBizCoach@aol.com. For details from our autoresponder, email BizCoach@infoback.net As an experienced business coach, Gary helps business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals get all they really want from their business, professional practice or job. Gary also publishes a series of Special Reports and Business Success Workbooks packed with practical information, ideas and techniques for growing your business, making more money and having more fun. To receive a FREE report on "Getting Breakthroughs in your Business", send any email to BizCoach@mykabot.net. For more information and to get a free business coaching session, call Gary Lockwood now. Toll-free 1-800-272-1575 ================================================================ 4) Sponsor of the Month: This section of this newsletter is intended to be informational for the members of Frank Bauer's - Downline Bulding Team. Here I will announce every month the top 5 sponsors of the month. The top sponsor of the month will win 5 Line Credit Points (LCP's) to exchange against classified ad space! The current number of FB-DBT members is: The Sponsors Of The Month July: Frank Bauer's - Downline Building Team 1. Wayne Sutton - FB-DBT ID# 0016-0001 <-- Winner of 5 LCP's! 2. Wayne Choy - FB-DBT ID# 0073-0001 3. 4. 5. Congratulations everybody! Keep up the good work! ================================================================ 5) FEEDBACK Each issue, we are going to post a few feedback emails from our readers and answer them here in this section. If you want your email to be included here, send it to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Feedback-Include). If you don't want us to publish it, send it to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Feedback-Exclude). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Everybody surly noticed already, that my email addresses changed. Please correct your Newsletter advertisements. Please let new subscribers send their subscription request to: News@million-mall.com Thank you all! Keep up the good work!" ================================================================ 6) Classified Ads Section Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter is not offering free classified, but every subscriber can earn and/or buy "Line Credit Points" (LCP's)! Every new subscriber will start with 2 LCP's. You can earn additional LCP's by referring new subscribers to Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter. For every new subscriber you will receive 2 LCP's. But that's not all! For every new subscriber they referred, they will receive 2 LCP's and YOU will receive 1 LCP! To receive LCP's for new subscribers, just tell your referrals to subscribe to "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter" for FREE by: 1. Filling out the online subscription form in the newsletter section of my web site at: http://million-mall.com/news.htm Tell your referal to enter your subscriber ID into the "Who referred me:" field. Or . . . 2. Sending an email to News@million-mall.com (Subject: Subscribe [+ your subscriber ID]) Every time one of your referrals subscribes to Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Newsletter, you will receive notification via email. This notification will include the name and email address of the new subscriber + your current number of LCP's! You can exchange your LCP's against classified ad space in this newsletter. For every LCP you can place one line of classified ad space in one issue. Each line of your ad should not exceed 64 characters (including spaces). Please email your classified ad text to: News@million-mall.com (Subject: Ad for Newsletter). Please include the following info in the message of your email: 1. Your complete formatted ad text (each line with not more than 64 characters). 2. The number (month) of the newsletter issue you want your ad first placed in. 3. The numbers of issues you want to place your ad. If you are interested in buying LCP's, please email my autoresponder at News-PA@million-mall.com for the "Paid Advertisement Guidelines". Thank you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do you want an unlimited tax-free income and International Credit Card with a $1000 credit limit and your own private offshore trust? The rich have been doing this for years. Isn't it time you started ? Act now and begin living the life you deserve, minimal cost of $ 200. details from : offshore@nott-assc.com subject : FBoffshore * * * BE A BIG-MONEY PUBLISHER... ON A SMALL-TIME BUDGET! For FREE info mailto:onno@earthling.net subject: CIPS * * * FORTUNE 5000 a legitimate money maker that really works. Registered with BBB & U.S. Chamber of Commerce. All deals closed for you, Checks mailed bi-weekly........TOLL FREE: (800) 811-2141 Code: 22022 or email AFORTUNE@aol.com * * * A CHRISTIAN MLM! Great products, super payplan, and the ultimate upline - GOD! 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To review Frank Bauer's Choice, which just may be the right company for you, send an email to my autoresponder at: Franks-Choice@million-mall.com ================================================================ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Frank Bauer / August-Sievers-Ring 15 / 24148 Kiel / Germany Fax: +49-431-723536 / Email: News@million-mall.com From rainy Kiel, not far from the Baltic Sea! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Amazing lists of resources! Help for EVERY business! All FREE: Newsletter, Downline Team, Classified links & More! The BEST of & about Network Marketing! Visit "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Web-Mall": ==> http://million-mall.com/ <== \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ (C)1997 by Frank Bauer (except as noted) \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/