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Add2it.com - Skripte & Service für Webmaster

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René Gräber

"ALLE Funktionen, die ein Profi-Marketer braucht!"

"Mich für Add2it MailResponder Pro zu entscheiden war eine kluge Entscheidung.

Ich habe viele Services ausprobiert, war mit diesen auch zufrieden, aber ein eigenes Skript ist die bessere und günstigere Lösung! Add2it MailResponder Pro vereinigt ALLE Funktionen, die ein Profi-Marketer braucht!

Die Installation und die Hilfe von Frank Bauer sind ausgezeichnet."

- René Gräber, Webmaster von Naturheilkunde-Preetz.de

"...möchten dieses Programm nicht mehr missen."

"Dank dem Support von Frank klappte der Umstieg auf Add2it Mailman Pro ohne Probleme.
Heute, nachdem wir jede Woche ein Mail-Versand machen, möchten wir dieses Programm nicht mehr missen."

- Ruedi Bang, Webmaster

"Echt eine Sensation !!!"

"Seit dem vergangenen Wochenende benützen wir Dein Add2it Mailman Standard.
Zuerst ein ganz dickes Lob zu Deiner Arbeit !! Echt toll das Ding.
Keine Probleme bei der Installation, keine beim Einrichten. Und der Testlauf ging so was von toll über die Bühne.

Dann kam der 'Härte-Test':
- scharfe Liste erstellt.
- über 600 Mail-Adressen rein (per Import-Funktion).
- Mail erstellt und versandt.

Das gab ja glänzende Augen !!!! So schnell wurde die Mail an alle versandt.
Also gleich eine 2-te erstellt und weg damit. Klappt ja so was von fein.
Und dann zuschauen was die Mail-Empfänger machen. Soll heissen ihre Daten anpassen. Echt eine Sensation !!!"

- Ruedi Bang, Webmaster

"...super genaue und prompte Umsetzung..."

"Ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege für die bisherige absolut zuverlässige und perfekte Zusammenarbeit bedanken.  Insbesondere die super genaue und prompte Umsetzung unserer Arbeitsvorgaben in kürzester Zeit hat mich beeindruckt. Auch der Support für Auftragsarbeiten steht dem ihrer eigenen Projekte in nichts nach. Nicht zuletzt sind auch ihre vorab immer klar kalkulierten Kosten ein nicht unwesentlicher Aspekt für unsere Zusammenarbeit gewesen."

- Andreas Jannot, Webmaster von M4FT.com und AufkleberWerkstatt.de

Randy Charach

"...am meisten bei Add2it.com mit der Qualität, dem Service und den vernünftigen Preisen beeindruckt"

"Ich bin am meisten bei Add2it.com mit der Qualität, dem Service und den vernünftigen Preisen beeindruckt. Frank ist ein cleverer Kerl mit der seltenen Fähigkeit, technischen "Stoff" mit Marketing "Verständniss" zu vermengen. Grossartiges Geschäft!"

- Randy Charach, Verleger vom RandyReport.com


"...ausgezeichnete Reihe an Produkten und unschlagbarer Kundensupport."

"Danke für den wunderbaren, schnellen und höflichen Service! Sie haben eine ausgezeichnete Reihe an Produkten und Sie übertreffen es noch mit Ihrem unschlagbaren Kundensupport. Wenn ich es jemals gesehen habe ist dies eine Gewinnerkombination!"

- Malacka, Webmaster von Writersnest.com

"Grossartige Skripte mit exzellentem Support."

"VIELEN DANK! Ich meine das *Ehrlich*! Es ist kein Wunder, dass wir bei Ihnen kaufen wollen...Grossartige Skripte mit exzellentem Support. Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Skriptveröffentlichungen von Ihnen. Nochmals vielen Dank."

- David Hanson, Webmaster von InternetIntelligenceCenter.com

Mark Joyner

"Verblüffende Skripte..."

"Verblüffende Skripte mit einem verblüffendem Wert. Schauen Sie bis hier und nicht weiter!"

- Mark Joyner, Autor des #1 Bestsellers MindControlMarketing.com

Magnus Dittmer

"...läuft und arbeitet einfach perfekt."

"Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Add2it Skript. Das SKript ist sehr einfach zu benutzen und es war sehr einfach einzurichten und anzupassen. Nur wenige Minuten es zu installieren und schon läuft und arbeitet es einfach perfekt."

- Magnus Dittmer, Marketing von NANCO DATA AB / www.Nanco.se

Armand Morin

Listen to Armand

"...it's simple, it's easy and they are some of the most effective scripts I have personally seen online!"

"Frank has some of the most amazing scripts that you could ever find about building your online business. In fact, he has several scripts that will automate what you are currently doing online, like Add2it MailResponder Pro.

If you need your own autoresponders, which is a basic necessity for building your online business, then Add2it MailResponder Pro is definitely the script that you need.

If you need to track your links, it's simple, just get Frank's Add2it Go-To Pro. It's an easy script, it's simple, you can track and know what's working in your online advertising."

- Armand Morin, Owner of GoGenerator.com

Gary & Deb Benton

"It handled everything flawlessly..."

"I used the Add2it Mailman Free to handle the sign-ups at the Free Resell Rights Giveaway. It handled everything flawlessly. As soon as possible, I hope to upgrade to the Pro account."

- Gary and Deb Benton, owners of Webtools4success.com

Rev. David B. Smith

"...solid, flexible and comprehensive..."

"Frank, using your mailing list scripts has revolutionised my online work.  I can't thank you enough.

Your mailing list system is solid, flexible and comprehensive, and your after-sales service has been speedy and efficient.

To me you are an archetype of how a good online business should be run.  I will always be thankful that I made the right decision and became one of your customers."

- Rev. David B. Smith, B.A.(Hons), B.Th., Dip.A., O.F.F., Acting Rector, Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill and webmaster of fatherdave.org

Jonathan Mizel

"Excellent package..."

"Excellent package you have put together Frank! You have included just about every feature needed for a small business to set up a powerful follow-up system that captures leads and makes more sales."

- Jonathan Mizel, CEO of CyberWaveMedia.com

Cor Hartenberg

Listen to Cor
with AudioGenerator

"...extremely satisfactory..."

"In June 2001, I started an Internet marketing ezine called BestNews Marketing Gazette with only 1,000 subscribers. I first tried a few free list hosts e.g. Yahoo and Listbot, but found them very unreliable. Then I stumbled on Add2it.com, And my serious troubles had come to an end. My years with Frank Bauer have been extremely satisfactory, and the service he provides is something you don’t encounter much any more. My list has grown to over 55,000 subs and the fact that it still exists is partly due to Frank’s service."

- Cor Hartenberg, webmaster of BestNewsMarketingGazette.com

Justin Horth

Listen to Justin
with AudioGenerator

"I highly recommend Add2it Mailman Pro!"

"Just to let you know, my recent upgrade from Add2it Mailman Free to Add2it Mailman Pro, I am really pleased with the upgrade. It's very worth the investment and I am extremely impressed with your customer support and service in the forum.

I just highly recommend any publisher or anyone who likes to manage a list or many lists or wants subscribers, I highly recommend Add2it Mailman Pro!"

- Justin Horth, Webmaster and Publisher of AcewebHITS.com

Mike Filsaime

Listen to Mike

"Fantastic value!!"

"Stop Looking! The scripts here are what every webmaster needs to run an effective professional site in today's market. Autoresponders, and Tell-A-Friend scripts. Ad Tracking and more. Take the whole package you won't be sorry. And with Franks great personal support, you can have them up and running in a snap. Fantastic value!!"

- Mike Filsaime, Professional Online Marketer of MikeFilsaime.com

James E. Powell

"... it's a great value."

"I depend on Add2it Mailman Pro to mail a weekly newsletter of Office tips and tricks. Add2it Mailman Pro is flexible and easy to use, and offers a good mix of list management features. For example, it's one of the few programs I've found that makes import of existing lists easy. Best of all, tech support is outstanding, which really matters when you have to meet critical deadlines as I do. Installation is easy and fast thanks to the thorough instructions. For the price it's a great value."

- James E. Powell, Editor The Office Letter at OfficeLetter.com

Jeff Sheets

"Simple & powerful..."

"Add2it Mailman Pro is a great program and I like the way you have structured it. It is simple enough for an amateur like me to install on a web server, yet powerful enough to handle many large lists."

- Jeff Sheets, Webmaster of SmartNouveau.com

Mike Pepper

"...the fastest and easiest scripts I have ever installed!"

"This was one of the fastest and easiest scripts I have ever installed!

It came with clear, easy to follow instructions and was up and running in a few minutes. I'll be upgrading to the paid version straightaway, as well as evaluating the other Add2it scripts."

- Mike Pepper, Webmaster of yoyoDyneWebDesign.co.uk

Shirley Grant

"...extremely easy to install..."

"I have just purchased the Add2it Go-To Pro. It was extremely easy to install and is working perfectly. Can't think how I managed without it!"

- Shirley Grant, Webmaster/Publisher of ShirleysMoneyMachine.com

Chris Gozdzik

"I love it!"

"I tried the Free version and I love it! Actually I already purchased the Pro version :o)
The greatest thing for me is the ease of installation - no messing with scripts, just upload, call install script - done!

- Chris Gozdzik, Webmaster of DiviningMind.com

Doug Davis

Listen to Doug
with AudioGenerator

"Give it a try!"

"Add2it Mailman Free does a great job for me! Easy setup, great features, works flawlessly week after week. Very easy and intuitive to manage, such as adding and removing subscribers. Give it a try!"

- Doug Davis, Webmaster of RoadSoldiers.com

"You've definitely earned our trust and admiration."

"Wonderful. Well done. Thank you very much for your exemplary service and support and 'going the extra mile' to install the scripts without FTP access on our newly transferred domain. One never truly knows whether the 'claims' published on a web site are legitimate until they're witnessed firsthand, for good or for bad. You have fulfilled all of your stated service and support claims - and then some. Your service is on par with your programs, and both are excellent. We look forward to a lasting and mutually rewarding business relationship. If there's anything we can do to assist you in your cause, please let us know. You've definitely earned our trust and admiration.

To your continued success!"

- Jeff Wilde, Owner/Webmaster at Wilde-Ideas.com

Irena Whitfield

"Add2it Notes Pro is excellent..."

"Your Add2it Notes Pro is excellent. I've used many various 'PostIt'® applications and yours is the best. I especially appreciate that I can use my own handwriting for the notes and put live links to go straight to the sites I remind me of."

- Irena Whitfield, Webmaster of TheCassiopeia.com

Dave Snape

"This Rocks!"

"This Rocks!  I never thought the software would get installed so quickly after my order! Your service is top notch and I can tell that you care about your customers.  I can't wait to start using Add2it MailResponder Pro. I have investigated a lot of other autoresponder systems and even tried something else. Looks like Add2it MailResponder Pro is going to win out!  Keep me posted on all of your new scripts."

- Dave Snape, Webmaster of ToBeInformed.com

Rev. David B. Smith

"I just wish I'd discovered Add2it earlier."

"I am truly impressed with both Frank and his scripts.  I feel like I've spent half my online life looking for the perfect autoresponder, and in Add2it I think I've come about as close to perfection as I'm ever likely to get.

This software is comprehensive and flexible.  It answers all my needs for mail management.  I was particularly impressed with Frank's intelligent bounce-back handling.  A real winner!

And Frank's commitment to after-sales service is as impressive as the software itself.  I have come up with a barage of questions, and Frank has answered all of them quickly and thoroughly.  Indeed, I sorted most of my issues through Frank's live online help, which means I got to settle my problems at the exact time they arose!

And it all came at an affordable price - even with Frank doing the installation.  In short, I am entirely happy with my investment.  I just wish I'd discovered Add2it earlier."

- Rev. David B. Smith, B.A.(Hons), B.Th., Dip.A., O.F.F., Acting Rector, Holy Trinity Dulwich Hill and webmaster of fatherdave.org

"I look forward to using another one of your scripts."

"Thank You very much Frank!

I had purchased a prior script from Stadtaus but it was a poor choice. Your Tell-A-Friend software is by far a much better program. Plus your support to my questions were prompt and spot on.

I look forward to using another one of your scripts."

- Steve Stelzner, Webmaster of TheLifeIncomeGroup.com

"...exactly what I need and I am very happy."

"Thanks so much!  I'm a big fan already and I've barely begun.  Will definitely be doing the affiliate program.

As I'd mentioned before I had some things ready to go out to my existing lists and didn't like the old system I had set up.  With your system I could setup a list in about a minute and then import in another minute and now I'm mailing out!  I'll be able to get caught up within mailings tonight very easily and then I can actually get down to real business of setup on websites etc.

This is exactly what I need and I am very happy."

- Deanna Mascle, Webmaster of Dawggone.net

"...you support the best!"

"Thank you Frank for your quick and fast help... again.  You are always there... standing behind your products 100%.  Not only do you make the best... but you support them at an almost unheard of level. I will always buy future products from you because you sell the best and support the best!  Way to go Frank!"

- David Hanson, Webmaster of InternetIntelligenceCenter.com

"I am truly impressed..."

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I bought MailResponder Pro and for the money there is nothing else out there that even comes close. What a great product. But what truly makes this product is the Customer Service and Tech Support Frank provides. The script was fairly easy to install but because I am one of those computer challenged people I had a few minor problems and Frank responded to everyone of my questions fast and efficiently. Because of the great service he has provided I will always make sure that before I buy any necessary software tool in the future I will check to see if Frank has that tool. If he does I will search no more and buy his. I am truly impressed Frank! Keep up the great service I look forward to using more of your products in the future."

- Byron Gaither, Webmaster at Vacations-4-U.net

"...saves us hours every week."

"Your mailing list system is much more efficient than that provided by my company's webhost. It saves us hours every week."

- Sidney E. Dean, President, Transatlantic Euro-American Multimedia LLC at TEAMultimedia.com

"...very easy to configure and install."

"Thanks for providing the full featured free trial of Add2it Mailman. The program was very easy to configure and install. The administration page is also very easy to navigate. We will be upgrading to the Pro version when we are ready to implement it on our website."

- Mike Snyder, Brewmaster/Webmaster for Cedar Brewing Company at CedarBrewing.com

"...it's impossible to mess that up."

"I recently had Add2it Mailman Free put on my site by a friend of mine. I used it for a few months, and absolutely loved it. The ease of people subscribing, editing their details, and unsubscibing cannot be beat as far as I'm concerned. You can upload your subs so many ways that it's impossible to mess that up."

- Cheryl A. Crossan, Webmaster of ANewbieGinning.com

"I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it."

"I find Add2it.com has been a great asset for my everyday processing for my personal files, word processing and assessing personal web sites. I would recommend your service to anyone who has not helped me. I find this an absolute must and a great help and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it."

- William F. Johnson

"Thank you very much for your great products and services."

"I knew I would like your Add2it script because I first tried the free version which I enjoyed very much. The instructions you provide are very easy to follow. I can see were it would be just as easy for someone with less experience than me to follow them. I have to admit that I have been a customer of yours for some time now, as I have found use of your scripts for some of my clients. Any time that I have had problems in the past you have always been there to look into it for me. The support you provide is equal to the products and services. Thank you very much for your great products and services. Every bit of what you offer is of great value to any one who is doing business on the Internet. I am in the process of putting together some services myself and plan on introducing every bit of your products and services as an affiliate. Thank you for this oportunity."

- Tony Vandebogart, Owner / Webmaster of Totalinternetadvertising.com

"Technical support is fantastically quick and helpful."

"I recently installed Add2it Mailman Pro to my site. First of all, I'd looked at scores of free and commercial mailing scripts. Add2it Mailman Pro is the best for my uses. It handles lots of subscribers and multiple lists. It's easy to install, and the price is unbeatable! I'm very, very happy with the script and its features, especially the ability to add attachments to my mail. Technical support is fantastically quick and helpful."

- Bruce England, Community Relations Director, Nelson County Schools, NCKY.net

Steve McMullen

"...very pleased with the service."

"I've used Add2it Mailman Free version now for a little over three years. It installed without a hitch and never once failed me. When I moved to a new host I decided to go with the Add2it Mailman Standard version.

The purchase went without a hatch, when I went to install I had some problems and seemed to be unable to resolve them. So I purchased the install service.

I was very pleased with the service. Add2it staff was promote and informative. We still don't know where my errors were. But I believe it was an issue between my PC and my host not Add2it.

I'm now using Add2it Mailman Standard and thinking about getting some more Add2it scripts. I like the autoresponder along with some others."

- Steve McMullen, Webmaster of MuskratsWeb.com

"...a 'must buy' for any website owner..."

"Your products are excellent and are so easy to install. I am still stunned with your rapid replies for support and I just love your lateral thinking for solutions to problems. The scripts that you sell are a 'must buy' for any website owner and I eagerly await new products that you are working on."

- Barry Gilbert, Webmaster of CoastBay.com.au

George Papazoglou

Listen to George
with AudioGenerator

"... I highly recommend it to every marketer doing business on the Internet."

"If you are looking for an extremely powerful software to manage you mailing list and publish your newsletter, Add2it Mailman Pro will handle masses of ever-growing subscribers with ultimate automation.

I have been using Add2it Mailman Pro with exceptional success at my web site AssociateShare.com and highly recommend it to every marketer doing business on the Internet."

- George Papazoglou, Webmaster of AssociateShare.com

Joe Bingham

"...great service above and beyond what I expected..."

"I've used the Add2it Mailman Free script for over 2 years to publish my ezine. I've always been happy with it and with Frank Bauer's excellent customer service. I once searched long and hard through many mailing scripts and email list services with the intention of providing the available choices as a resource for my readers. It was a waste of time. I'd already found the best scripts, especially for the price, at Add2it.com. Now it's all I recommend to my readers."

- Joe Bingham, Publisher of NetPlayNewsletters.com

"...totally happy with your service..."

"I just wanted to say that I am totally happy with your service Frank. When someone works this hard and the program is FREE it increases my trust in the paid versions. Just wanted to go on record as saying you have a first class product and the customer service is..., well, it can't be beat! Sorry you were up till 3 AM, but THANKS!"

- Dan Slaughter Jr., Webmaster of Localbizsupport.com

"...one of the easiest scripts I've EVER installed."

"Your Add2it Mailman Free script was very easy to install! Probably one of the easiest scripts I've EVER installed."

- Katherine Hollyday, Webmaster of iProfits.net

Justin Horth

Listen to Justin
with AudioGenerator

"... I find tying my shoelace is more confusing than using Add2it Mailman Free!"

"Although I am a relative newcomer to all this, I must write you to say how pleased I am with Add2it Mailman Free and how pleased I am to have found such a library of resource for my further development.

The scripts were so easy to install that I thought there must have been something missing, and never in my experience have I come across anything quite so intuitive. I find tying my shoelace is more confusing than using MMF!

Within the coming weeks I fully intend to take advantage of your affiliate program and will, without hesitation, be upgrading to Pro in the near future."

- Justin Horth, Webmaster and Publisher of AcewebHITS.com

"...received outstanding support from you."

"I was pleasantly suprised to receive such outstanding support from you. You had me back up and going within minutes of my requesting support."

- John Kirk, Webmaster of SFIPowered.net

Nucha Aquino

"I was happy with it since the day I uploaded it..."

"Thank you for the GREAT script. I was happy with it since the day I uploaded Add2it Mailman Free to my web site and it installed itself! That's a necessary feature for most of us. Now I am using Add2it Mailman Pro, and receiving 6-70 email subscribers automatically everyday, no sweat !

On top of everything is your excellent prompt service and the time you give to us even when I was using the free version. I knew I could always count on you if I chose to use the script for my 2 ezines :- )"

- Nucha Aquino, Publisher of eLaguna's eBiz Tips at eLaguna.net

Dene Conway

"... his scripts rock!!"

"Just wanted to say thanks to Frank for all the help and to say his scripts rock!!"

- Dene Conway, Webmaster of WebmasterLinkUp.com

Mike Hills

"...auf einer Skala von 1 - 10 ist Ihr Kundensupport eine gute 12."

"Ich schreibe Ihnen nur um Sie wissen zu lassen, welchen grossartigen Service Sie mir geleistet haben.

Ich schätze die Zeit und die Mühe die Sie eingesetz haben um die Skripte auf meinen Servern in allen drei Fällen zum Laufen zu bringen.

Kundensupport ist der Schlüssel zu jeder Firma, und auf einer Skala von 1 - 10 ist Ihr Kundensupport eine gute 12.

Nochmals vielen Dank, und Sie dürfen meine Adresse zur Bestätigung an mögliche Kunden weitergeben."

- Mike Hills, Verleger von DailyClassifieds.co.uk

"...what I love about your script..."

"I would say what I love about your script is how easy it is to set up. We looked at others but we just didn't have the time to go into many of the files. Yours was as easy as unzipping the file and running the install program.

So far we love it!"

- Vito Manzione, President of Designer-Handbags-City.com

David Harvey

Listen to David

"It is really good software, it works flawlessly."

"I had been using Frank Bauer's Add2it Mailman Pro software now for a couple of years. It is really good software, it works flawlessly.

It sends out the emails within a very short time and then sends me an email to let me know that they have all gone out correctly. And if they bounce because peoples mailboxes are full or something it lets me know that too.

So, it's a good software and Frank does a great job and he will help you set it up if necessary. So, the code is really good, the man is good, I would say buy it."

- David Harvey, Webmaster of MotzaMarketing.com

"...works nice and smooth..."

"Just tested the script, and it works nice and smooth, I'm thinking in buying the standard version as soon as I can..."

- Mara Rodríguez, Publisher of Ojo-Urbano.com

Barry Clayton, Webmaster and Publisher

"Here is that testimonial I have been promising you for 2 years now. I hope this finds you well and prosperous. Thanks again for all that you have done for me over the years. You have been a true pleasure to do business with.

I have been using your Add2it Mailman Pro for over 2 years now (I started with version 2.20) and can truthfully say that this is the Best mailing list manager out there. Bar None, Hands Down. I have used all the rest and this script simply can't be beat for ease of installation, Awesome features, and World Class service and support. Keep it up Frank. You and your products are Winners. So to everyone reading this. Save your time and your money and get Frank's scripts. I promise you won't be sorry."

Jan Tallent-Dandridge

"...complete control over as many lists as you want..."

"Every time I think my Add2it Mailman Pro software could NOT be improved upon, you do it! I really and truly love this software and recommend that ANYONE who wants complete control over as many lists as they could dream of handling GET this software!"

- Jan Tallent-Dandridge, Publisher of RimDigest.com

Peter van Emmenis, Editor Midweek Affiliate Digest

"It was an absolute breeze to install the program although I am still fairly new to cgi programs. Hell, all I had to do was be able to read English, and follow the instructions!

From what I've seen during the setup and tests, I am VERY impressed with the quality and value of this program.

Thank you for your program - it's great."

George Papazoglou

Listen to George
with AudioGenerator

"... mega-powerful, ultra-flexible and reliable."

"If I was asked to describe Add2it Mailman Pro with just three words, I'd use: mega-powerful, ultra-flexible and reliable. It's a state of the art list-building virtual system, honed towards fulfilling the needs of sophisticated marketers, who strive to building immense lists of subscribers with ultimate automation. The advantages to using Add2it Mailman Pro are virtually boundless - it's an ace in the sleeve for every promising publisher and not only..."

- George Papazoglou, Webmaster of AssociateShare.com

Christine Jones, Publisher & Webmaster
www.bizmoms.com & www.workathomeideas.com:

"The simplicity of the Add2it Mailman Free script surpasses any other that I've tried - and I've tried them all! Using the script has made my publishing experience so easy. I can't think of one thing that I'd want to add to it - honestly!"

Sylvia Kolenda

Listen to Sylvia
with AudioGenerator

"...great service above and beyond what I expected..."

"We had the Add2it Mailman Pro installed and it works like a charm. The support and service is excellent...

Thanks again for your great service above and beyond what I expected in my recent web host move. I highly recommend that people pay the very small fee to get you to install the scripts. Saves a lot of time and headache when you are interested in only getting your newsletter out on time or any of the other scripts. Thanks again for your wonderful help."

- Sylvia Kolenda, Publisher of eGospel.com

Tracy Faul, Webmaster

"I installed the Add2it Mailman Free script and was testing it in less than an hour. Out of the 4 scripts that I've installed this was by far the easiest one ever.
Extensive testing confirmed the script performed just as you said it would.
Since everything worked so well I upgraded to the standard version, the upgrade only took a few minutes to set up and it works like a charm. On scale of 1-10 I'd give the Mailman script a 9+.

James, Webmaster of the Gut Reaction Forums

"I have to say the script was one of the best website scripts I have used. It was very well written and practically installed itself! As the website grows I will be definitely be looking at your other scripts."

"The easiest script I have ever installed!"

"I set up the entire script in 5 minutes, and it ran perfect with very little to install! The easiest script I have ever installed! The script works great and I will profit from it."

- Rudolf Garoo, Webmaster

"I highly recommend purchasing the Add2it Go-To Pro to simplify
your advertising tracking needs."

"After searching for the right tracking software, I finally settled on Add2it Go-To Pro to track all of my advertising campaigns in my home based business.

I found that it was extremely easy to set up the links in many of my advertising campaigns using affiliate links and URLs. I publish two ezines, one for business and one for health. This tracking software was flawless in what I needed tracked in my ezine issues.

The many times I had to email Frank on certain questions I thought that I was actually imposing, yet he was very happy to assist me in getting the answers that I needed.

Whether your business is large or small, I highly recommend purchasing the Add2it Go-To Pro to simplify your advertising tracking needs."

- Wayne Lockwood, Publisher of EliteMarketingSolutions.com

Joe Waddington, Publisher of Webmaster of The List Owner eZine
thelistowners.com :

"Being the publisher of an eZine with a large subscriber base, I needed a robust, easy to configure mailing script which provided reliability.

After many months of searching I found Add2it.com....thank the lord! I installed Add2it Mailman Free and was so blown away by all the features, I up-graded to Add2it Mailman Standard after only 2 weeks. This script has been a real boon to my business, it saves me time and gives me peace of mind.

A major bonus has been the quality and level of service I've received from the people at Add2it...they're professional, unobtrusive and helpful beyond all expectations. For me, they've set the standards we should all strive for in our own businesses....I'm a customer for life!!

PS: Many of my subscribers are so impressed with the script, they've down-loaded it as well, Add2it has created another downline for me!!"

Debbie Dias

"Easy to use!"

"Excellent! Easy to use! Follow the directions and you CAN'T go wrong! Thanks so much!"

- Debbie Dias, Webmaster of ExpectSuccessMkt.com

Peter Illi, Webmaster of Parken Zoo, Eskilstuna, Sweden
www.parkenzoo.se :

"What a dream! Just move the files to your server and it's up and running! After hours of searching for and trying out various free script, Add2it's mail list proved me wrong - you get what you pay for!"
Richard Tanker, Webmaster
intertica.com :

"Frank, a large thank you for your undying help in solving a server problem with the installation of your script. The group that I manage just loves the script, they look forward to receiving the "latest news" in a clean easy e-mail format, knowing their information is well guarded. I have passed off the responsibility to a not - so - strong computer person for management and he jumped in with both feet without hardly a question.

Keep up the good work."

David Harvey

"At a glance you can see when someone subscribed and their IP address..."

"I have just installed the paid version of Add2it Mailman Pro, and it is great. It was easy to install, once I had put in the path to Perl, edited the cgi-bin path and adjusted the file and directory permissions to allow executing the files.

I also just love the way you can search for any subscriber by any field. Frank Bauer's code searches through the logs and lists ALL relevant transactions. At a glance you can see when someone subscribed and their ip address ... also if their details have ever been changed. This can save your butt if some forgetful subscriber ever accuses you of being a spammer.

Next I am going to try your URL tracking product. Thank you, Frank, and keep up the good work."

- David Harvey, Webmaster of MotzaMarketing.com

Ken McDaniels, Webmaster
fastcash-emporium.com :

"First of all I would like to thank you for all of your help. It has really been a pleasure doing business with you. Your responses are timely, which is amazing considering the number of questions you get each day. I am proud to be one of your affiliates."

Angela Smith, Webmaster
moneyandshopping.com :

"When I brought you special package including installation I had NO idea I would be working with such a professional as you.

First, I want to thank you for probably THE fastest installation of any script I have every had done. You really do have an amazing customer service ethic.

Second, so far, I have only had time to go through the Add2it Mailman Pro script on MoneyandShoppingNetwork.com BUT... it is an awesome script. I think it does everything I want it to do ...

Thanks again for an excellent installation job that you performed faster than any other company I've ever dealt with and thanks for a fantastic script."

"...das einzige Skript, das meine Anforderungen erfüllte."

"Ich wollte Sie wissen lassen, wie zufrieden ich mit Add2it Mailman Pro bin. Ich habe viel Zeit damit verbracht verschiedene Skripte zu suchen und auszuprobieren um meine Emailliste zu automatisieren. Ihres war das einzige Skript, das meine Anforderungen erfüllte: automatisches Subscribe und Unsubscribe, Text oder HTML-Emails, manuelles Hinzufügen und Entfernen, kundengerecht an Website anpassbar, einfache Administration, und es mußte mit NT arbeiten. Nicht nur das, aber Add2it Mailman Pro kostet weniger und hat großartigen Support! Vielen Dank!"

- Antoinette de Janasz, Gründer und Präsident von TwoothTimer.com

Eva Almeida, Publisher eBooks N' Bytes
ebooksnbytes.com :

"Thank you for creating such a useful script! I can't tell you how impressed I was at how easy it is to install the Add2it Mailman Pro. I have been publishing email newsletters for over 3 years now using free listhosting services and I'll never go back! There isn't a feature that I can think of that you haven't included - - so keep up the great work. I'll definitely recommend your script to others, since it has given me back control over all of my newsletters. Can't thank you enough for that..."

Vern Anderson, Webmaster & Publisher
vernsnews.com :

"I have used every mail sending program from Postmaster to OptIn Lightning and Add2it Mailman Pro is by far the best of the bunch. Also your excellent service makes it a lot more valuable to someone with a large list.
Thanks for everything.

"Es wurde schneller als ich glauben konnte zur neuen Version Upgegraded."

"Ich denke dieses neue 'install.cgi' der letzten Version, ist GROßARTIG!! Ich FTPte die Dateien zu meiner cgi-bin, rief das install.cgi-Skript auf und BANG! Es wurde schneller als ich glauben konnte zur neuen Version Upgegraded."

- Gary Speer, Redakteur / Verleger von GSezines.com

Angie Tesar, Editor, Angie's Answers :

"I have learned a lot and have moved my list from Topica to Add2it Mailman Pro and it is working great. I tested it on another email of mine and the autoresponders were perfect!

I love it! Thanks!

I think I am set now and all is well! I do want to really thank you for uploading it all for me though! I appreciate your help immensely!"

Don Crossman, Web-administrator
nyssra.org :

"As the web admin for www.nyssra.org, I received the Pro version of Add2it Mailman today and installed it with no problems whatsoever. Thank you.

Add2it Mailman is great. After just a couple of days experience with the free version, I can appreciate its power!"

Jan Tallent-Dandridge

"...with NO programming knowledge, ten minutes to set up..."

"Yours is the closest to perfect script for doing what I want to do I have found in over a year of searching. It only took me, with NO programming knowledge, ten minutes to set up the trial the way I will be setting my paid version up tomorrow."

- Jan Tallent-Dandridge, Owner of MarketingWarrioress.com

Douglas Mills, Proprietor
eBusinessDirections.com :

"I have tried the free version of Add2it Mailman and it is fantastic. The installation was totally trouble-free and the layout and functionality of the control panel superb.

For the last three years I have used other products including Topica and Sparklist. Now, I simply would not consider any other product except Add2it Mailman.

I am now upgrading to Add2it Mailman Pro and will be recommending it to all my clients."

Ronald Dunn, Publisher, The Christian Marketer
thechristianmarketer.com :

"I have been using Add2It Mailman Free 1.80 for a few months now. After having nightmares with other list hosting services - which I won't mention - I am truly glad I found Add2It.com. Except for a few very minor problems getting it set up on my own (I know! I could have paid! LOL), it has proven to be the easiest to use service I have found. In fact, I have decided to upgrade to the Pro version. I have even convinced two of my friends to download your product and they love it too. Thank you for creating such a fantastic product!

"Es installierte sich leicht und das Arbeiten ist wie ein Traum."

"Add2it Mailman Free ist ein völlig erstklassiges Skript. Es installierte sich leicht und das Arbeiten ist wie ein Traum. Leicht zu benutzende Adminoberfläche - alles ist einfach ausgezeichnet.

Ich beabsichtige nun das Update zur Pro Version.

Ich mag gar nicht daran denken, dass ich Zeit und Geld verschwendet habe an Postmaster Online um meine Listen laufen zu lassen.

Nochmals danke Frank."

- Ade Martin, Verleger von Ades-Marketing-Tips.com

"I am delighted..."

"Our company has been looking for an email manager program for over a year. I am delighted to find yours at add2it.com, especially when it is free. Of course when our list grows, we will go with the paid version for more features. Here at www.voiceglo.ws we use your program every day. Great support. Keep it up!"

- Ken Beir, Admin of Voiceglo.ws

Peter Tylee, Webmaster
Education4Skills.com :

"Thanks for your kind response to my posts.

Indeed your response is outstanding. I have made quite an exhaustive search for a suitable mailing program and yours is clearly one of the best. In fact it is true to say that your Free version is superior to many that are certainly not free. Your support for users of even your free software is excellent. I believe I need search no more.

I very much look forward to your next release. I shall attempt to persuade my wife to allow me to upgrade to the Pro version (but your free version is so good that will be tough!)."

"REALLY The BEST, I've EVER Received!"

"My experience with your products and services is more than GREAT!

Hackers Attacked eInfoReporter Ezine...You brought everything back to normal again, and made me and our 17,000+ subscribers happy again!!

I and most online business owners, don't need promises and a good looking online help desk...

We Need REAL Support!

Your Friendly and Personal Support, is REALLY The BEST, I've EVER Received!

Thanks again!!"

- Polydoros Gavrilakis, Publisher of eInfoReporterEzine.com

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